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PKU International Healthcare Group Officially Changes the Name To PKU Healthcare Group

Recently, PKU International Healthcare Group officially changed the name to PKU Healthcare Group, appearing with a new brand image. The PKU Healthcare Group will get more support from Peking University Health Science Center (PUHSC), integrate superior resources and explode a new structure of the healthcare industry.

The changing is a speedy achievement after the Strategic Partnership Agreement between Founder Group and PUHSC was signed in May 8th this year. Both sides will establish a deep cooperation on academic discipline project, talent introduction, staff training, academic communication, healthcare administration and brand-joint according to the agreement. PUHSC will provide more supports to PKU Healthcare from their advantages of discipline and talents. Meanwhile, both sides will also establish the cooperation on healthcare and R & D of pharmaceutical to improve the transformation and usage of the achievements. Especially on brand construction, Peking University Health Science Center (PUHSC),  allow PKU Healthcare Group to use brand names of “PKU Healthcare”, “PKU Pharmaceutical”during the development. And this will be very import to PKU Healthcare Group of talent introduction, mergers and acquisitions of hospitals and attracting investors.

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